

Rothenburg is a municipality in the district of Hochdorf in the canton of Lucerne in Switzerland.
Rothenburg has an area of 15.5 km2 (6.0 sq mi). Of this area, 67.8% is used for agricultural purposes, while 16.6% is forested. Of the rest of the land, 15.5% is settled (buildings or roads) and the remainder (0.2%) is non-productive (rivers, glaciers or mountains).In the 1997 land survey, 16.56% of the total land area was forested. Of the agricultural land, 63.47% is used for farming or pastures, while 4.32% is used for orchards or vine crops. Of the settled areas, 5.86% is covered with buildings, 2.51% is industrial, 2% is classed as special developments, 0.71% is parks or greenbelts and 4.38% is transportation infrastructure.
--> Rothenburg has an unemployment rate of 1.3%. As of 2005, there were 215 people employed in the primary economic sector and about 70 businesses involved in this sector. 924 people are employed in the secondary sector and there are 77 businesses in this sector. 1918 people are employed in the tertiary sector, with 191 businesses in this sector. As of 2000 54% of the population of the municipality were employed in some capacity. At the same time, females made up 42.5% of the workforce.
